Consciousness Videos

3 Ways to Use the Observer Effect to Attract What You Want With The Law of Attraction

Aaron Doughty

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This video will show you 3 ways the Observer Effect can change your life. I will show you how it can powerfully effect the law of attraction process and give practical ways to do it. Transcript below….

This video will show you three ways that you can use the observer effect in order to attract what you want I’m going to share with you some practical ways you can apply it so that you really can get what you want in life.

Welcome back to another video my name is aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. On this video I’m going to be sharing with you the power of the observer effect. Show you three reasons and three ways that you can apply it so that you can change your outer circumstances.

Now actually just yesterday on Instagram I posted a I mean I guess you could say and it was me talking about how everything we see is a reflection of who we are how our beliefs create our reality and how we change our beliefs. We then change the reflection that we get. Now this means that what we can begin to do is understand that when we observe we are neutralizing that perspective we have and we are then able to choose the way that we prefer to see things. Now the observer effect has been something that quantum physics has been studying has been something that’s been around for a while and it’s basically the consumption or the understanding that what we can do is see things from this neutral point of view and that’s simply the act of observing something changes it’s experience and the way that we see it.

So having a different perspective or a different like a more neutral point of view will change the way that we respond to whatever we are looking at. Now the power of the observer effect is that we void out resistance that we’re able to void out all of the baggage that may come with the connotation the meaning that we are giving to certain things in our life. Now let me give you examples of how we can apply this practically in our life before I actually get to the bulk of the three ways that we can apply it. Imagine that you are in traffic and you are going somewhere and maybe you’re driving someone that got hurt recently and you’re driving them to a hospital or somewhere that they have to go because maybe their back really hurts. Well the idea is that maybe you have to do what you have to drive slow because if you drive too fast it hurts their back.

Well what couldn’t happen is from you driving to wherever that you know you have to drop that person off or bring that person to the hospital or wherever it is. The idea is that if there’s cars that backup behind you and you know that you’re supposed to be going faster maybe you’re driving a little bit slower than the speed limit. What happens is if those drivers are honking at you normally you might be the person that be honked at someone else for going 45 miles an hour and a 60 mile an hour highway or something like that. That’s the idea. But once your perspective can change because then you could see it from a new point of view. So because you’re now driving somebody that’s in pain and you have no choice but to do that in order to keep them world you know there will be an attack.

The idea is that now that you can see it normally would empathize with the people honking at you because you’re going slower and a higher speed limit type road. The idea is then you see it from an more neutral point of view because what is happening is you’re starting to relate to the situation in a new way. And from that point going forward you may forever change the way that you respond to other drivers that are driving slow because you see that they may have their own reasons for doing so. So the idea is the observer effect can change everything because then it shifts perspective. Now the first way that we can apply the Observer Effect as to do exactly with that how can we change that perspective.

And by neutralizing or observing we didn’t get an opportunity to see it from a different perspective. So think of that last analogy. How can you apply this in your life. Maybe if you realize and you know I use this all the time when I’m talking to people when it comes to helping them learn how to forgive other people think of forgiveness…

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

This video is about 3 Ways to Use the Observer Effect to Attract What You Want With The Law of Attraction


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23 thoughts on “3 Ways to Use the Observer Effect to Attract What You Want With The Law of Attraction
  1. Is this some other "observer effect" than the double slit experiment one?

    Coz this sounds more like the following
    "Walking in other peoples shoes",
    "Putting yourself in other peoples position",
    "Seeing things from other peoples perspective" etc..

  2. This video is a huge synchronicity bc today I've been thinking about this exact topic… about how my mom and dad's abuse towards me was their abuse from their caretakers. Thank You for sharing your story and for this video. !

  3. Love yoga for awareness. Walking in nature I'm listening to the birds and leaves. I totally agree with the past and not regretting it. It is what makes you who you are today. You are doing awesome work! Love all your talks!

  4. We need to create from satisfaction and gratitude feeling place rather than excited place. I think key word missing in LOA is satisfaction. We need to get in feeling of satisfaction more

  5. Yes! I'm thankful for all the good and bad expiriences in my life. Because there is so much I learned. And I am proud of who I am today. I am a wise, playful and fun person. I feel high all the time and I'm spreading the good wibes everywhere I go. Thank you for sharing your Story ?

  6. Hello Aaron You are amazing, have helped me much, I saw a projection in my head and it was like one of those old movies but projected in my head and I saw a ferris wheel , city and beautidul sea, it was Santa monica and I didn't know it was that place, I told my father about it and told me that it sounded like Santa monica and i looked it up and WOW it was the same place adn I almost teared up I was so happy I am applying to a university clllose to Santa Monica, because I can just feel in me that I will find myself there, its special , I am excited!

  7. But the observer effect is not psychological. There is no choice involved. The observer effect happens no matter what. It's not the observer attitude or the observer perspective or the observer behaviour.

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