
33 Hz with 1.618033 Hz – Golden Ratio Meditation – Phi Meditation – Delta Wave Meditation

Frequency: 33 Hz
Note: C1 (A4 = 432/440/444 Hz)
Wavelength: 9.0846e+15 nm
Energy: 1.3648e-13 eV

Frequency: 1.618033 Hz
Notes: G#-4/Ab-4 (A4 = 432/440/444 Hz)
Wavelength: 1.8528e+17 nm
Energy: 6.6916e-15 eV

This is the last video in the Golden Ratio meditation series. The low frequencies can be difficult for some audio devices to resonate accurately. If you can’t hear anything, try using headphones.

Delta waves are the slowest of all and were originally defined as having a frequency range between 0-4 Hz. We experience these waves naturally when we are in the deepest of sleep or meditative states. These waves stimulate healing, regeneration, and healthy neuro-chemistry and as a result are vital in the maintenance of health and psychological well-being.

Delta activity stimulates the production and release of:

– serotonin
– dopamine
– endorphins
– melatonin
– DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)
– GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)
– HGH (human growth hormone)
– PRL (prolactin)

In addition to the stimulation and production of the hormones and neurotransmitters listed above, it may help to reduce:

– cortisol
– anxiety
– depression

A plausible hypothesis would be that it is possible that the positive effects experienced from listening to this video could alter physiology, and as a result, it may have a direct effect on DNA, aging, perception, and quality of life. A more comprehensive list of potential benefits is listed below.

Potential benefits include:

– improved memory
– improved learning capabilities
– increased creative capabilities
– increased intelligence
– improved mental and emotional health
– improved rest and sleep
– improved focus
– improved concentration
– improved motivation
– improved confidence
– deeper meditation
– improved psycho-motor performance and mood
– reduced stress
– reduced anxiety
– dramatic personality changes
– purported to aid in the formation of declarative and explicit memory formation

It is necessary to experience all brain wave states, and not to over-use any specific range. If brainwaves are not diversified, it could lead to adverse effects until balance has been reached.

According to a recent brainwave entrainment study by a previous president of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, Dr. Vincent Giampapa, M.D.:

Electrical fluctuations in the brain were increased and as a result changed it’s structure. This caused the brain to reorganize itself to function at a more complex level. New neural pathways were created, which improves the communication between different areas of the brain. These new pathways stimulate new connections, and this results in new ways to think, and new ideas. As the structure of the brain is reorganized, so is it’s perception.

I would like to make sure everyone understands that this is experimental. I am not entirely certain of what the implications of synchronizing our brainwaves to the Golden Ratio could be. There are some relatively obvious conclusions that could be drawn, but in regards to an extensive scientific explanation, I cannot provide one.

The carrier frequencies are the sine waves used as the method to create the binaural effect. The particular frequencies used in the Golden Ratio series have been chosen for the following reasons:

– Many available audio devices can accurately resonate them

– They are comfortable to listen to for extended periods of time

– They fall within close range of other frequencies that have been used in scientific research which documented positive results

Listening to these audio files will cause your brainwaves to synchronize to the Golden Ratio, and this is the approximate center of the Delta wave spectrum.

Phi is most commonly known as the Golden Ratio. It is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet and is transliterated as ”fi”. It is a recursive geometric algorithm that appears to be the prominent mathematical ratio that is intelligently used to design many organisms. It is commonly expressed and recognized numerically as 1.618033…

Phi is everywhere, it is fundamental to nature and the development of multi-cellular organisms. Examples of Phi in nature include (but is not limited to):

– Animal life: DNA, reproductive dynamics, sensory organs, bodies and it’s appendages

– Plant life: seeds, leaves, flower petals, branches, pine cones

– Cosmic systems: weather phenomena, our solar system, spiral galaxies

– Art: architecture, music, many visual works

Headphones are definitely recommended, but not required.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t fit all of my resources into this description, due to it’s low character capacity.

Resources and reading material:

Anthony Sommer


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23 thoughts on “33 Hz with 1.618033 Hz – Golden Ratio Meditation – Phi Meditation – Delta Wave Meditation
  1. I have gaps in my audio range, I know I'm hard of hearing…
    I can hear it click on and off but I don't hear anything else.
    IS THERE AN IMPACT if the frequencies are inaudible?

  2. I can actually feel this one vibrating thru my entire body! Even my toes are vibrating!! Thank you Anthony for putting out all these videos to help humanity get back to where we shouldve been instead of becoming sleeping sheep!! This has to be mind boggling to put such great stuff together! I wonder what you listen too?? Your my number 1 channel for meditating or going to sleep

  3. How do we know which Golden Ratio frequency to use? And why? Or make a playlist for all of them to listen to one after the other? Help, please. Thank you. 🙂

  4. Weird af.. this is close to what I can hear sometimes in my own head at times, but it is slower, closer to my own heartbeat. Probably connected to the blood circulation but still interesting:)

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