
AI, Privacy and data protection – Yoram Hacohen

Data Science Summit

AI systems and Privacy – will they walk together side by side? (Adv. Yoram Hacohen, CEO ISOC-IL, former Israel’s Data Protection Commissioner)

“”Do AI-based systems poses threat to Privacy? And what is Privacy anyway?

The talk will open a window to legal and psychological importance of privacy (the “”right to be let alone””) to human beings. We will discuss the potential effect of AI systems upon the right to privacy, and will give examples of such outcome from current implementation of AI such as in autonomous cars.

Later on, we will look at AI system from the perspective of modern legal framework of data protection, such as the GDPR (the European Data Protection Regulation). We will describe the basic data protection principles that apply to all information systems and how AI system may challenge them.

Than we will take a deeper look into few recent developed data protection principles, that aim to face emerging technologies. We will examine the applicability of concepts such as algorithm transparency, privacy by design, and data minimization to AI System development and use.


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