Consciousness Videos

Antiqui’tech of “cryogenic suspension”, with consciousness. Statues are actual people!

Flat Earth British Sub

If you can marbleise people, then you can marbleise structures!
Statues are actually people “frozen alive” to rock with hidden vatican stolen ancient technology.
Lisa Davis said “crystallisation”
We know crystals hold and refract information.
This is antiqui’tech of “cryogenic suspension”, but with a living consciousness.
These are the immortals that are the controllers today, active in information technology.


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25 thoughts on “Antiqui’tech of “cryogenic suspension”, with consciousness. Statues are actual people!
  1. Do you think they may still be conscious? Or have some form of consciousness? How horrible if so.
    I think Doctor Who has been giving us clues for years. Not that I can stand watching it any more, now I can see its agenda pushing mind control. Its all demonic, inter dimensional. They barely mention 'space'. Which is good, but they'll never admit its because space doesnt exist….neither do pandas! lol, thought Id drop that in!
    Im not kidding though. Pandas are fake! In the 70s and 80s, remember the pair, that were so shy we only ever got a glimpse? And the babies kept dying cos the couldnt breed in captivity? Well now there are videos of pandas, legs open toward the camera, popping a babies out for the world to see in a concrete cage with no medical staff. There are nurseries full of baby pandas performing on que for the camera. Not a bit shy, and breeding like rabbits! Pandas aren't mentioned anywhere in historical Chinese art and literature, not once! Yet the dragon, they say is a myth…! They didnt exist until recently! Men in suits, animatronics and cgi! Ive actually looked into this quite a bit. I 100% believe pandas are fake!
    Before you think Ive lost the plot, If they can fake space…..!

  2. ok, WHAT is marble? I'm feeling a bit creeped out.
    it has veins and can be porous… I listen to a lot of intel, these Kontrollers exalt their controlled deaths. to die is a reward but they must be killed unnaturally, murder etc, not by our God's hand, but by their Lord's Will…
    would it have been the greatest display of power to be marbelized? a method of death that all leaders desire?

  3. Excellent vid and music, Lee.?
    I've felt for quite some time that these are people.

    what is the music? I want to download a copy!

  4. I agree Lee! No way could anyone chisel any of these from marble. Ive looked at people carving marble today, they seem to stick to simple busts….they're amazing, but nothing like the old stuff. Ive considered maybe they were cast using a marble resin, but some are too perfect. Its not as far fetched as it seems, its only the crystallization of cells. Maybe they tricked the poor sods into posing…. then zap!

  5. 6:13 ? Could that coffin thing at 6:39 be any more ornate!!!! Is that bone at the end there? This is very clever high tech. Sceptres and wands. I have some really good headphones and this music is amazing… the bass is making my skull vibrate. What is this music Lee, I need to know ?

  6. The picture at 0:24 seconds in, where you see the metal patterned grids exposed and not covered by cobbles or tarmac, is all I needed to see to back my theory of the mudflood…I said a time back, that I had a theory, that all the mud and earth we see burying the bottom half of houses and buildings in our worlds cities, may have been moved in to all these cities around the world at the same time, by the parasites, using earth moving equipment, to bury and hide the tech that laid on the ground in all the cities…This tech, carried the power and also provided the means for vehicles to hover along their roads…They sprayed all the metal grids with a decomposing acid and then covered them in mud and earth…Therefore, completely obliterating the old high tech, which gave free and clean energy, to the homes and the transportation devices…:-))

  7. Revelation 9.6 "And in those days people will seek death and will not find it; and they will long to die, but [will discover that] death evades them." Oh my God Lee!!!!

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