Consciousness Videos

Consciousness, Science, Mind, Duality, God & LSD


Consciousness, Science, Mind, Duality, God & LSD

My poor attempt to explain an important topic. Unfortunately I found it difficult to make a cohesive video on this subject, but you are welcome to challenge any aspect and perhaps I can clarify things somewhat in the comments section. By the way, I’m not promoting psychoactive drugs in case anyone got that opinion.

Keywords: god consciousness suffering science religion atheism karma duality buddhism taoism hinduism christianity quantum physics sheldrake esp collective unity life death phantasmagorical lsd perspective jainism agnostic #Psychetruth #WellnessPlus


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42 thoughts on “Consciousness, Science, Mind, Duality, God & LSD
  1. This video is before it’s time. 2019 and people are “woke” with ego. People claim to be free yet products of emotion and environment. Yes we have become more understanding but we have not realized we simple are trying to understand ourselves. This man explained unity in a 3-d/4-d perspective which is remarkable. Inspiration is what I take from this… thank you from not me but from us.

  2. Edgar Cassie is a proven Psychic who made many medical discoveries in a trance like state despite having no medical education and a below average intelligence. He Said anyone can do what he can if they can separate themselves from their own self interest. This is an example of over coming your duality.

  3. it seems like this dude just made a video to make himself look smart and deep. All that talking without actually saying anything

  4. Absolutely genius observation on quantum physics and it's relationship to the human expeeeeri (illusion 😉 Socrates/Platos allegory of the cave in a modern description. Wake up before it's too late

  5. entanglement:…i was 9 yo and i was driving past a grocery store and my father was driving…we drove past a van forsale and as we were passing i said were going to buy that van and move to alaska within the month….it happened….that van that month….

  6. Amazing… the laws of attraction must certainly be in motion! Here I was today having a similar discussion, and presenting a similar explanation of Quantum theory! Found this by complete accident… of course, now I'm sure that it wasn't! Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar. LOL

  7. You seem to be quite a philosopher on describing God, but it is pure hypothesis on your part[or what you have been taught]. I see no reason whatsoever to believe there is such a creature.

  8. I must be on a totally different wavelength to you ! Iv'e read your comment three times and just can't get what your trying to say. Maybe you could simplify it,or if another reader understands what your saying,maybe they could explain it.

  9. Well, I cannot catch sight of leprechauns or fairies in my back garden .. but should I believe in them ?! WHY should it make any sense to believe in God?

  10. Wow all that chatter. Why not just realize you are conscious, transcend the best of who and what you are and create, live and enjoy the experience. Live in every moment. Then you will know and experience the truth of consciousness without trying do hard to define it with words and hypothesis.

  11. While you attack duality of the ego and the world, you still have dualistic views yourself, viewing consciousness and matter, or mind and body, as 2 separate things, almost as you would good and evil; opposites, yet intertwined in practice. For this presumed interaction, though, you have to conclude theres barely anything to back it up. Maybe thats because consciousness IS matter. This dualistic view has been lodged into our paradigms for ages. I think we should find a way to break free of that.

  12. @Maforen108 That sounds very interesting but can you explain how the universe itself is conscious? Seems that consciousness can only be experienced inside a brain. and if that brain is disrupted enough you lose it. You get knocked out, you lose consciousness, you get killed you lose consciousness. It is only experienced through a process of mechanistic actions in the brain.

  13. Have you had a prolonged or sustained non-dual experience? like, in everyday living? I enjoy theorizing this as well, but when the experience of nonduality enters – it changes everything : )
    then as you say, how to sustain it? – its tough wen almost everyone operates from duality

  14. @TheJooberjones Yes,that's the one. It's just a 'theory' the same as global warming & all the other theory's that we are indoctrinated into believing as fact. And i did not mention genesis nor popping out the ground? lol

  15. @wanker391 darwin's bullshit theory? you mean that theory that explains how species and their consciousness have selectively evolved through time and refined their survival abilities to lead up to a human consciousness? no no, much more likely that we all just popped out of the ground one day out of nowhere.. genesis is ALLEGORICAL, not literal my friend.

  16. Man, you are a bullshitter par excellence! The Truth is plain to see for those seeking it with their whole heart. He will be revealed to you by the Father. The opportunity we all are given in this life is to chose. The decision we make in time determines where we will be in eternity. Wise men still seek Him: GOD IS LOVE. 1 John 4 KJV

  17. @Galoag2012 I too have experienced this phenomena on acid. It all depends on strength and timing of droping it and everyone's mood before hand.

  18. I agree with that matter must come from conscious, not vice versa. "In the beginning was Logos, …." John 1.1. All what exist comes from Logos…. Moses said it 3600 years ago – all mater and life come from Elohim…. slowly more folks may realize "The Emperor without cloth" story… alas the communistic "evolution world view – keep on the good work….

  19. i remember that one day i drop acid with five guys and all of us knew what everyone else was going to do next. we kept on leaving each other and coming back together we sat by a waterfall and felt the energy and the waves being produce by the water and our bodies were like melting with it i felt like water. and they all did too. we felt and thought the same stuff.

  20. Interesting video. I didn't agree with anything but I appreciate the perspective you're taking. If you're interested, look into mirror neurons. If you imagine I have a group of cells that fire when I touch my arm, then a subset of these cells will fire when I see someone else's arm getting touched. a) This means that brains are all soft-wired into one larger, societal brain, 2) it could explain the emergence of memes, which are essentially ideas that we imitate. You might find it interesting.

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