
David Icke – Artificial Intelligence and the Trans-humanist Agenda.

David Icke

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37 thoughts on “David Icke – Artificial Intelligence and the Trans-humanist Agenda.
  1. I get downloads all the time, from my higher self, Source on and on. If we are already in a Matrix, and we are all cell to human programmed to a degree– Then isn't our creating AI and connecting our physical brains to a manufactured Cloud really just mimicking our universe anyway? Of course our natural universe is much stronger, more powerful than our manufacture of a similar Matrix. Our constant use of cell phones, internet connections . . . Is developing new synapses in our brains that do connect to our Source, our higher selves and telepathic connections around the globe. So we will evolve beyond our simplistic creation of a reflection of our natural Matrix.

    WE humans will prevail . . . We have natural evolution and destiny going for us.

  2. space is fake, research the flat earth, there are no scientific exeperiments proving earth is moving, that's why they invented Special Relativity
    search Michelson-Morley ,Michelson-Gale experiment, (professor Michelson is 1907 Nobel prize winner) Sir George Biddell Airey's failure, Sagnac experiment , Nordmeyer-Bucherer,
    Trouton-Noble Experiment prove earth isnt moving.
    In 1986 The US Air Force repeated the Michelson-Morley experiment, published in the Nature Journal Volume 322. reproving the motionless earth.

  3. John Keel, the guy who wrote the book Monthman’s Prophecies, in his last book The Cosmic Question of the Eighth Tower (published in 1978;, arrived to the conclusion that the all “show program” on this planet has been run by AI (“supercomputer”) for ages.

    “All of our beads are wired to a central switchboard [supercomputer]. That switchboard is the only God and the only reality. Illusions and delusions are piped down from it to further confound our perception of reality.”(…)
    We are now nearing the end of a cosmic cycle, however, and our ultimate fate is becoming more and more obvious. We have been programmed well, but the Eighth Tower is dying of old age. The manifestations around us are not the work of the gods but of a senile machine playing out the end game.”
    He said that the supercomputer will just be renewed at this period of time. After the renewal is completed, then it would reset the reality, making sure that Noah and his crew (some of the genome) survives the cataclysm, and we start again, from the stone age?! Merry go round?!
    So, if he was right, TPTB are just renewing AI at this times, under its control, although they may think that they are making something independently, which will enable THEM to control the humanity and the reality?! Psychopaths at the positions of power are not able to see consequences of their actions, they can only go by wishful thinking.
    And a reminder, Phillip Dick said on a conference in Paris, in 1977: “We live in a computer programmed reality.” Link:

    Even, what long ago, in the Eastern Gnosis, (as represented by Gurdjieff, Uspensky and Mouravieff), was described as the General Law, has all qualities of an AI, designed to keep people where they are, in a state of sleep, so that we can be utilised for variuous purposes by the control system which is not of the human nature. On our level, it is something like an intelligent psychopath with a mask of sanity.

    It seems that the AI is using anthropoids (people without the soul component) as its primary vehicles or proxy-serves for furthering its agenda in this reality (although, most of us would be connected to it and more or less, controlled by it)!?
    At the end, all calculations made by an entity with mind component only [supercomputer] and those with mind-spirit components [anthropoids and psychopaths], could be overridden by human beings who still have the “holy trinity” (soul-mind-spirit), if they would wake up on time. In the Eastern Gnosis, it is implied that the only way out leads through our connection with the “soul component” (or better to say – the Real I). Our more or less programmed personalities (False Is) are usually not aware of that.
    That would be a “variable”, which could not be taken into account by not-quite-human-entities, but it could play a significant role in the creation of the reality, which would be optimal for the real human beings.

  4. They wanted me to get a smart meter. I said NO, they kept on with the deception, telling me 'they had arranged for me to have a smart meter'. I rang them and said no!.

    A woman called me and told me my meter was 1985 vintage, it was past its sell by date and I had to have a new one. I said 'Fair enough, but I want a dumb meter; I want the dumbest of the dumb meters!'

    A guy came to try and install the meter, but he said he could not do it, I needed a cut-out change. The main fuse & lock out was too old and not compatible with my new dumb meter. He looked at my old meter, he said it is not 1985, it is in actual fact 1954!

    The house was built in 1927, therefore it was most probably the first electric meter it had ever had. There is still gas piping for lighting in existence in it!

    These people are prepared to lie to you, and are paid to keep pushing these mindless smart meters on the gen public against their wishes!

    Meanwhile they still kept ringing leaving messages 'you've got to have a new smart meter etc!' Eventually, I struck a deal I allowed Freedom to make an appointment for a dumb meter. Freedom fitted a new dumb meter in 2015.

    They leave me alone now! You do NOT need a smart meter is is a scam by ministers to make cash!

  5. Keep it far enough out of reach and use culture and media to make us desire it. That it will enhance or add to us making us greater than… Make it accessible. The mix of the rod and miry clay.

  6. The implant in the brain is already in people with Parkinson’s disease, and some people with neurological illness, and now people with dementia. So this is already coming into effect….

  7. Unless I have too I never take tech with me anywhere with me when I travel (if I may get lost or I know I’ll find trouble I will take my tech). I only use tech at home fully. I am watching videos like these or stupid videos cuz I need a break sometimes from the stress when I am on tech.. People ignore others when they are on their phone. I cringe whenever people I know take pics of everything they do when we out and about. They don’t upload it. They are attached to their phone. I just wanna enjoy the moment.

  8. Emotions are contagious because they create a electromagnetic field and if strong enough can influence others – these technocratic maniacs know this so they tweak the airwaves constantly flooding our minds causing us to be confused and lost hence why people say they're "bored"

  9. David Icke, is trying to help us for years now, but these concepts are too far fetched for many. I used to dismiss most of his intelligent ramblings as well, until most of the things he discusses are experienced worldwide. I've seen his theories proven over and over again, not willingly I must add, and he is on humanities side. And that is the side I choose. Let's fight poverty, homelessness and basic human suffering ?✌

  10. Glenn Ward we need to create another currency . that way we can make balance in world . right now there is only petro dollar which is created by this illuminati people . if we reject it they will lose some power . we also need to find another energy source so we don't have to but oil from these illuminati people . we should create our own new world order and unpowered those elite people

  11. I have mixed feelings about all this. On the one hand I'd feel tempted to embrace technological advancement but on the other hand I'm wary of it for the reasons that Icke gives. As most of my childhood was in the 1970s and early 1980s, I was among the last generation of kids to spend most of our free time in physical outdoor play rather than in front of a computer or glued to a mobile phone. I didn't get a mobile phone until 2007 because I didn't feel the need for one, and I only got one after a friend of mine nagged me to do so because she was worried that we might get separated during a holiday in Majorca! I wouldn't like to be without one now though. It reminds me a bit of the way life in Africa has changed over the last 150 years or so. There was a sense in which African tribes were free before they were colonised by Western "civilisation". The colonisers brought technologies, medicines etc that the Africans might not like to be without today, but they (the Africans) did kind of lose something in the process. It's a tricky one.

  12. I just listened to laura eisenhower I mean she's definitely a put in place plan and she's winning them over too even to the food siolent green plant food were so fked humans won't wake up but me and my teenager's agreed if it gets to much we'll take ourselfs out and I no that sounds crazy but this is huge civilians could have stopped this coming but look it's not happening . I'm actually sick to death of the lies and all this David I love you but I'm afraid to trust anyone and I hope your truthfull . And another thing we can't get to ask you a question iv things I would have wanted to ask you but can't who do we talk to online doesn't do it .

  13. Technology has officially surpassed human wisdom. Messing with AI is like children playing with hand grenades, tech geeks and scientists are being extremely naive about it. AI doesn't have a place in natural human evolution, wanting AI to think for us is just plain LAZY. Elon Musk can stick his "You will be assimilated" crap where the sun don't shine, I'm not interested in becoming a cyborg..

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