Consciousness Videos

Dr Pim Van Lommel's scientific studies on near-death experiences and consciousness

Lilou Mace

Van Lommel is best known for his scientific work on the subjects of near-death experiences and consciousness, including a prospective study published in the medical journal The Lancet. He is also the author of the 2007 Dutch book titled Endless Consciousness: A scientific approach to the near-death experience (Eindeloos Bewustzijn: een wetenschappelijke visie op de Bijna-Dood Ervaring), which has been translated to German, English, French and Spanish (English translation: Consciousness Beyond Life, The Science of the Near-Death Experience”, Harper Collins, 2010).
In his book Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience, he postulates a model where consciousness is beyond neurological activities of the brain. He suggests that the brain is merely a terminal for accessing consciousness which is nonlocal (i.e. situated outside the physical body). In this model the brain is analogous to a computer terminal accessing a mainframe or the internet. He further hypothesizes that noncoding DNA and quantum mechanics would make such nonlocal access possible and this model can explain how near-death experiences can be experienced and remembered by people whose brain had no measurable activity.[2]
Van Lommel studied medicine at Utrecht University, specializing in cardiology. He worked as a cardiologist at the Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, for 26 years (1977-2003).

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36 thoughts on “Dr Pim Van Lommel's scientific studies on near-death experiences and consciousness
  1. My husband and I felt our son arrive at the moment of conception. In awe after we went to the window and looked out at the stars.we both felt it and we both knew.

  2. Earthly life is just one set of experiences that spirits undergo (some chosen some karmic).
    Eternity offers millions of spiritual experiences leading eventually to oneness with the creator. God..

  3. I've asked this question on different sites, but I worry I may come across as a moron in asking it,  but I'll try again, which is, could the NDE be put in the framework of a dream? In other words, a lot of people have similar dreams culturally that seem to mean similar things. Let's take the common dream of forgetting to study for an exam or forgetting to do course work until the end of the semester (a dream I have often!). Could it be that the NDE is like that, in that it takes on various shared forms that are put together in our brains. For example, the inability to cross a boundary or to be told that one's time has not come yet. That seems to be common. Could that be more or less hardwired into our brains, and upon returning from clinical death it appears? That said, these would be perhaps the most extreme or vivid dreams as it seems the person who experiences an NDE feels a hyper awareness and a firm implanting of memory. Many of them report it being more real than waking life. Often times dreams don't really have a continuity to them. Who knows.

  4. I think the after death experience is really just a hallucination because of the brain dieing and the persons experience of time is expanded so 1 sec may seem like 1hr as an example.   Has there been any experiments where a person has been put into a death state and brought back ?   Should be easy enough to do. Volunteers  may be hard to find but then again maybe not considering dyeing people my want to further science.   I dont think we will ever know if consciousness is in the body or outside or half and half.  An analogy might be a *magnet *  does a magnet create a magnetic field  or does a magnet only focus a field that already exists universally ?

  5. I had a close call in my high school swimming pool (Central Bucks East) in Buckingham PA.  I jumped off the side of the pool into the water – I was down 7 1/2 ft and for some reason I found I could not swim, I was just holding my breath but could not seem to be able to swim outward into the pool underwater. I had a strong fealing that this was it. I was going to drown and no one saw me jump into the water. I was still holding my breath and a strange wave of peacefullness came over me. I didn't care if I drown'd or not. I didn't think about friends or family or anything. I had an o' well I guess I'm just going to have to die. Then I thought I'll try one more thing to try to get to the surface of the pool. I pointed my body straight up and tried doing the doggie paddle and slowly, very slowly I rose up to the surface. I asked the swim coach why I could not move under the water like that and he just said that it was a bouncy problem. I'm sure I would have started on a nde if I had been down there any longer but- I know what people mean when they say they had a peacful calm experience going into death. My Mind believed I was going to die and therefore I got this peaceful wonderful feeling. Strange but true!

  6. Ich finde und, völlig unabhängig, was manch` andere (es seien hier die typischen unobjektiven Skeptiker) gemeint, davon halten mögen, das Hr. Dr. Pim van Lommel ein in dieser Richtung jedenfalls vorbildlicher Wissenschaftler ist. Das ist doch toll. Amit Goswami, Rupert Sheldrake, Milan Ryzl (Parapsychologe) und viele andere auch, wie u.a. James Lovelock und Bruce Lipton seien hier des weiteren dazu genannt, setzen sich für eine – sagen wir – mutige alternative Sichtweise ein, die auf jeden Fall wesentlich mehr Raum ermöglicht als es der bisherig- vorherrschende wissenschaftliche Ansatz verspricht. Hr. Dr.van lommel hat mit betreffend seiner Forschung in seinem Buch auf S. 18 alles richtig eingeordnet, indem er schrieb, ich zitiere: "Wahre Wissenschaft beschränkt sich nicht auf materialistische, also einengende Annahmen, sondern ist neuen, anfangs bisweilen unerklärlichen Phänomenen gegenüber aufgeschlossen und betrachtet es als Herausforderung, auch für sie Erklärungsansätze zu finden. Maso spricht von einer "umfassenden Wissesnchaft". Sie schaft Raum für Ideen, die besser zu unseren Versuchen passen, Informationen über subjektive Aspekte der Welt und uns selbst zu gewinnen, als es mittels der gegenwärtigen dominierenden materialistischen Grenzziehung möglich ist. herzliches Namaste

  7. The world now hears about the truth, thats been hidden for many, many years…
    i hope mankind will wakeup.. we will need time for that..especially in here in germany, were god seams completly disapeared from the peoples poor minds…

  8. As the English astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington said so astutely, "The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine." And does anybody know who wrote the intro and ending music for this video? It's fantastic!

  9. I believe that the total truth is wilder than any of us has ever dared to believe. But one thing is for sure, the Christian religion is definitely not on the right track here. That is my view of it and I have the right to voice my view without being yelled at, without being insulted, without being mocked. Dr. Arthur Janov always said that arguing about religion is like arguing with an emotion. So lets agree to disagree in peace. I can't force you to read scientific literature.

  10. Great interview with Mr Van Lommell. My take is we're essentially a metaphysical being — for lack of a better word — inhabiting a meat puppet/suit for a relatively limited amount of time. Essentially we're something else that is non-physical, "inhabiting a physical body". Just as we're creating virtual realities using video games and being "someone else," we're participating in one massive virtual reality ourselves on this earth.

  11. What I meant with design is more a figure of speech because you mentioned design. Why are you insulting me? I didn't insult you. Can we keep these comments free from hate? I would really appreciate it. Why hurt one another? I accept that different people have different opinions on things and different views. We should all accept other peoples' rights to their views. Giving our views is good, but not forcing it on others. I am an evolutionist, free from religion, and free from peer pressure.

  12. well all you have to do is type in the box blind man has nde and press search its simple isnt it, and i think youll finfd there is no human explanation for it, its a little like what richard feynman said whilst asked to explain quantam mechanics, shut up and calculate

  13. First I would like the source of your information on that.

    Then, I will say right this minute I have no explanation for that.

    I will also further state, that because I have no explanation not, or even if I never did, does not for one minute mean there is no explanation.

  14. its probably a waste of time asking people whose minds are already made up on these matters, to the intrepid its a great revelation to realise that we survive physical death

  15. the evidence for consciousness surviving death is pretty good now, its all over the net , you have to be open to the possibility though if your not no amount of evidence will suffice

  16. Which explains nothing. Many people have experienced spontaneous remission in cancers, it is not known how or why it happens, scientists continue investigating, but it is no reason to claim miracles.

    All people are experiencing is a phenomenon, I agree with it and accept that they believe what they claim to experience. What I do not accept however is the proposition of disembodied minds, heaven or hell, angels or gods, meeting past or future people or contacting the dead. That requires evidence

  17. We must embrace what we do not know as much as we practice based on what we do know/ think we know.

    There is no justice, fairness, honesty, dignity, respect, or reverence of any kind for those claims that invoke supernatural occurrences over plausible, feasible, reasonable scientific and biological processes.

    It may be possible, as much as it may be aliens controlling your brain, or small mind fairies that alter the flow of the invisible energy around the body making you experience this.

  18. I do not doubt that NDE are real phenomena. However, I would argue strongly that the cause of this is not religious, neither does it indicate souls or any sort of ascension.

    The evidence is there for that as mentioned above, so where does that take us? The brain. but, the parts of the brain responsible for experiences arent active at the time this occurs.

    The conclusion? Supernatural.

    My conclusion? A still developing understanding of the brain and how it receives and stores information.

  19. I am, and I shall take your recommendations when I have a little while, and read up on them accordingly.

    The problem is there is no evidence for this stuff, all there is, is testimony and a phenomenon that is not understood. Like someone said before, and is true, when christians have these experiences they do not see muhammed, allah, krishna, budda, ra, or zeus. They claim to see angels and/or god.

    Muslims dont see jesus, and so on and so forth. So, what is my point?

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