Consciousness Videos

Simulation #9 Klee Irwin – Grand Unification Theory, Consciousness, Cosmos


Episode #2 with Klee ►

Klee Irwin is a scientist, researcher, and entrepreneur who founded Quantum Gravity Research and is an associate founder of Singularity University. In this vodcast, Klee and Allen discuss grand unification theory, quantum computing, cold fusion, consciousness, and the vastness of the cosmos.

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41 thoughts on “Simulation #9 Klee Irwin – Grand Unification Theory, Consciousness, Cosmos
  1. If you compare string theory, quantum loop theory with my spherical wavefront theory, my idea is a better fit. I got the idea from the derivation of special relativity and the spacetime interval. There is an event. Multiple reference frames see that event , such that their reference frames are tied to the invariance of the speed of light. Well. Isn't that equivalent to reference frames emitting from the event and traveling outward at the speed of light, in a way that the spacetime geometry is built into the wavefront?

  2. I think spacetime geometry is built into the relationship e^i(k_x x+ k_y y + k_z z – omega t), tying energy frequency wavelength and momentum into the same relationship. I got the idea from special relativity and the spacetime interval, that every time there is an event , there is this spherical wavefront that is emitted that includes the quantum states I described above. Spacetime geometry, I claim, is made out of the wavelength states (rulers) and frequency states (time). Theae spherical wavefronts are constantly interacting in ways that create the illusion of the spacetime continuum. I don't know what to call these wavefronts. They can be mistaken for virtual photons, could be gravitons. But they get very big, from a point/event within seconds. At one second, they are two light seconds across which makes them equivalent to quantum fields.

    If there is interest, I'll describe an experiment that could lead to antigravity.

    July 26, 2019
    My Study Notes Chapters 1 & 2 The Spiritual Man – Watchman Nee

    NOTE: My opinion ~ Every person is born with their own unique DNA, digital code. I wonder how anyone can know that phenomenal information and not know we are created beings. My God can do anything.

    We are hardwired with Spirit (our connection to our Creator), Soul, and Body; and created in that order. To understand how we are hardwired, we will start backwards:

    BODY: Directs our actions; taking direction from our mind.

    SOUL: Self-consciousness; Personality.
    ​​VOLITION ~ Decisions; Power to Choose.
    ​​MIND ~ Thoughts; Intellectual Power; Wisdom; Knowledge; Ideals;
    ​​​Discernment. To varying degrees depending on the person.
    ​​​The mind helps us to understand the Spiritual.
    ​​EMOTION ~ Love; Hate; Joy; Anger; Happy; Sad; Sensitive;
    ​​​Insensitive; Warm Personality; Cold Personality.

    1. Throughout the Bible ~ Life = Soul = Soul Life.
    2. Body & Soul = World of Experiences.
    3. The Soul can grow so intensely large that it can surround the Spirit, making it
    difficult to connect and be “regenerated.”
    (AKA “born again” “baptized in The Holy Spirit”)
    4. Before the fall of man, Soul was always directed by Spirit ~ our connection
    with our Creator / His Holy Spirit. Our Spirit is not The Holy Spirit.
    5. My opinion: The reason ‘good works’ will not get you to heaven is because
    once we are born again*, our new connection via our Spirit to The Holy Spirit,
    changes us and good works come natural to us.
    *Only our BELIEF in The Gospel regarding Jesus Christ will get us there.

    SPIRIT: Our only direct path to connecting with The Lord / God.
    ​​CONSCIENCE ~ Distinguishes Right and Wrong. Before the
    ​​​connection we are working from what we are taught (and
    ​​​possibly not learned) by parents and teachers.
    ​​INTUITION ~ We receive Revelations from The Lord.
    ​​COMMUNION ~ Worshipping God.

    NOTE: Walking with The Lord through so many wonderful years, He is in my thoughts all the time. The connection with my Spirit and The Holy Spirit is so wide open now, I cannot fathom Him not being there with me all the time. The conversation is perpetual. I take it on faith that He hears me. I fear the Lord; and I am in awe of The Lord; and I have become comfortable with my Spirit that I must remind myself to formally pray for friends, instead of just thinking it.

  4. An incredible conversation, hats off to both gentlemen. One thing bothers me though, about the "we are the first out-of-proportion-intelligent species" hypothesis. What if such species come about naturally over time, and because of the disproportion, always end up wiping themselves out? It could be that they tend to last just a few hundred years after hitting an exponential technology curve, which is closely followed by extinction. There could be several reasons for that – violent annihilation, reproduction breakdown (everyone ends up immersed in virtual reality), etc. In other words, we might be 10-500 years away from extinction and as such, we would be very easy to miss by another civilization listening to their sky – the odds of us broadcasting something and them listening at the right time are super slim, if both civilization last a split second on the grand cosmic scale, and are not time aligned.

  5. I'm very sympathetic to the general ideas but I'm not sure that it's a consensus, non-controversial, view that all elementary particles map to each other in higher dimensional geometries (as part of the Standard Model). I would like to see some references to back that statement up. The speaker lost me at this point for fear that he may be being intentionally misleading. I may be wrong and I actually don't need the whole consensus thing; I just need it not to be misleading. References or links please to back up the view expressed – or I fear you may lose the OPEN-MINDED science audience.

  6. Wow I sooooooo pleased to know someone like you an anthropologist n looking for the reality ,,, I was just thinking like that but in reality you’re doing whether you are close to the true true essence of what we are but for sure you are doing great like a great scientist of out time
    Thank you so much
    Wish you to meet n have some chat on reality if possible

  7. First, Klee Irwin is brilliant. That said, this interview is like watching a Christopher Guest or Wes Anderson film – only the interviewer, camera operator, and editor are the parody, not the characters. Had the interviewer taken a mere 3-4 hours to research his guest, he would have been able to grasp at least 80% of what was said vs the apparent 2%. By the middle of this interview I was laughing my ass off while trying to maintain focus on what Klee was saying. I'm only about 60% through, but I hope it ends with Klee strangling the interviewer to death. Did any intelligent human actually review this before posting it to YouTube?

  8. Why does it look like they are sitting next to a men's room? It's almost like they are waiting for the dual action cleanse to take hold any minute and make their bowels explode.

  9. Honest question, how did klee go from dr strange (if strange advertised anti constipation supplements) to searching for a unifies theory of existence? I'm not making fun, it honestly seems like he had a PROFOUND life changing experience and then changed directions

  10. Sam Harris explained how if there is no way of predicting things, that does not mean there is free will. Ultimately, there are prior causes beyond anyone’s control, that lead people to act things out at the macro level, including quantum events, which we have absolutely no control over, so to try and “Jesus Sneak” free will like this physicist attempts to do fails. If we can’t predict events, we have no control over that information at all, therefore there is no free will. At best, the findings simply means that applying determinism falls apart at the quantum level. Determinism can still apply at the macro level. Free will is still an illusion. Nice try. Interesting theory nevertheless.

  11. Great interview – very thought provoking. We don't need Klee expressing his opinion on Trump. All these Trump haters need to remember that Trump is The President as a result of the conclusion of a democratic process. If their candidate had won – shouty auld Hilary – they would be saying the same thing i.e. that she was democratically voted. Everyone was happy to go and vote on that basis and the result was that Trump won – stop moaning about it. If you don't want him you need to make sure that his opponent gets more votes next time.

  12. What a wonderful video. This will be in my mind forever. Klee Irwin is amazing and Allen the host was great too. I loved the whole video as much as a great movie. But more!

  13. Klee is an inspirational guy. I love listening to him because he has a great way of explaining complex idea in a way that the lay man can understand. He also understands that theories only have value if they can actually be used in the physical world and that they should change or help make the world a better place. I keep telling people about what Klee and his colleagues are doing is going to change the word at some point in the same way Einstein´s Theory or Relativity did but people jus look at me as though I am insane.
    By the way what a great interviewer

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